Spiritual Stories from Zhang Zhung, Season 2 with Geshe Sherap Lodoe and Dr. Sangmo Yangri


  • Sonntag | 19. Dezember 2021 bis Sonntag | 9. Januar 2022
  • 14:00
  • Zoom

Online Event | Spiritual Stories from Zhang Zhung with Geshe Sherap Lodoe and Dr. Sangmo Yangri

In Bon Tradition, Spiritual stories are a very traditional form of teaching and it inspires devotees and practitioners to develop and strengthen their faith and devotion in Dharma teaching. Both Lishu teachers, Geshe Sherap Lodoe and Dr. Sangmo Yangri agreed on a 2nd season, after the great feedback we received on the 1st season last year.

Geshela was grown with hearing all this Bon spiritual stories from his spiritual teachers from the very early age of his life.

Story 1 (Dec 19, 2021): The History of Menri Monastery

Nyamme Sherab Gyaltsen, (1356-1416) was one of the main abbots of Yeru Wensakha Monastery. He made a promise to his mother that he will come one day to meet her before her death. During his visit to his mother, Yeru Wensakha Monastery was destroyed by floods in 1386. When he came to know about the news, he was deeply saddened and discouraged. He didn’t return to Yeru Wensakha Monastery then and he did a Cha-keng -tse len-med ( Wisdom deity) closed meditation practice retreat.In his meditation he had a vidion of Yeshe Walmo and she prophesied him that he will find the precious objects of Yeru Wensakha Monastery on the bank of river and some precious objects of Monastery he could find inside the land. And she further encouraged him to built Menri Monastery in Tsang province in Tibet. He also had a vision of wisdom deity and of many auspicious signs that indicates he will become a great medium to prosper the Yungdrung Bon teaching. Later , he established Menri Monastery in 1405 and it became the main monastery of Yungdrung Bon tradition.

Story 2 (Jan 2, 2022): Khyungtrul Rinpoche

Khyungtrul Jigmed Namkha Dorje (1897-1955) was one of the great masters of Bon tradition in 20th century. He was a contemporary of Sharza Rinpoche. He was popularly known as Khyungtrul Rinpoche. He re-established the Bon teaching in Nagri region of west Tibet during the critical time when the Bon teaching and its followers were regarded as inferior and badly treated by the people there due to the influence of wrong view about the Bon teaching. He was the first master among Bon and Buddhist tradition in 20th century who printed the important text of Bon and Buddhist through printing technology.At the end of his life, while giving instructions to his disciples. He consciously left his body and remained in a state of thukdam for (meditative state) 49 days. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is regarded as his reincarnation.

Story 3 (Jan 9, 2022): Gang Ti-Se Rinpoche (the holy Mountain Gang-Rinpoche/Mount Kailash)

Gang Rinpoche. It is also called Gang Ti-Se in Zhang-Zhung terminology which means god of water and it is also described as crystal mountain with a shape of Yungdrung Kod-Leg stupa. It is the La-ri/ holy mountain which represents the great power and life force energy of Gekod Sangwa Drakchen, the inner tantric deity who is the manifestation of the enlightened quality of Buddha Tonpa Shenrab Miwo.According to many important Bon texts, it is regarded as the birthplace of Buddha Tonpa Shenrab Miwo and the place of origin of Bon teaching. Drenpa Namkha, Tsewang Rigzin, Tapihritsa, Nang-Zher Lodpo.Tag-Za Li-wer and many more great practitioners of Zhang-Zhung masters did a practice near the locality of Gang Rinpoche. Kundu Monlam Tashi, the great Bon master discovered the self-originated Phurpa/ritual daggers which represents the Phurpa drukse Champa, the inner tantric deity near Gang Rinpoche. The sacred mountain is abundant with auspicious qualities and it is said that the white pebbles found near the mountain has a great quality to multiply by themselves naturally if the pebbles were kept clean and preserve in a clean jars/container.



The stories are told in Tibetan by Geshe Sherap Lodoe and translated into English by Dr. Sangmo Yangri. Translation from English into other languages is in planning.

Teacher | Geshe Sherap Lodoe and Dr. Sangmo Yangri

Date | Part 1: 19.12.2021; Part 2: 02.01.2022; Part 3: 09.01.2022

Time | 14 (MEZ / CET), 8 am (NY time) – 90 Minutes duration each

Location | Zoom

Donation | 20 – 80 EUR (depending on your ability to support the Lishu Teachers)

Registration | After your payment via PayPal (only), you will receive a payment confirmation including the registration-links to the Zoom-meetings. 100% of your donation goes to the teachers of Lishu Institute.

Organizer | Hosted by European Ligmincha Sanghas and
Lishu Institute, India


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